Monday, December 8, 2008

A wind of change...

Okey, The news is... Grim! I am trying something new, this surely means "Fire in the hole, take Cover" =p !!! Well seriously, Am trying to make some "romantic dark love quotes" that's a long a name hope I'll find a more appealing one soon, Am a starter so please don't be hard on me ^^
I want give my special thanks and gratitude to "BAboucha", for she helped me and will help in this new experience so am working in co-op with her, so please everyone bow to BAboucha for giving us this opportunity!!
I know some of you may be hurt by reading "romantic" in a Crus'blog but please restrain your hatred 'till another time!
Thanks for your support,
to another announcement, May the Darkness be your Swords
Crusnick in da 08/1......... ti nhar el 3id kwa ????


E-Mediat Tunisia said...

the real deal is that you are turning GAY !!

Sana said...

Leave him alone !!!! he's not turnin' Gay !!

pfff vous les hommes avec votre virilité intouchable !!! toi quand tu mettais des trucs à l'eau de rose dans ton Blog tt le monde te soutenait ,mais quand Crus change 1 pe de registre on l'accuse direct !!

Merci Crus .. c Moi BaBBouCHa héhé xD

Peace !!

Crusnick said...

HouHou!! She just pwned ya Pros :p !!
And thx for the support BAboucha, ya Great ;)

E-Mediat Tunisia said...

babboucha u r ruined the guy!!
comm'on, he's better in "u" and not in " a" hihi